Are you ready for our most advanced thinking, strategies, methods, and “edges” for investing, swing trading, and day trading?
If you’ve learned the basics of what we teach... and now
you’re ready to ascend to the next level of trading success... then
stay on this page and keep reading...
What is this “next level”?
It’s the level that we (Tom & Tyrone) trade at, every day.
It’s the level where you can make much more significant profits,
on a much more consistent basis.
On this page, you can learn our most advanced thinking,
strategies, methods, and “edges”... that we use, every day...
when we invest, day trade, and swing trade.
If you think you’re ready to learn all that, and you think you’re ready to come up and trade on that level with us, keep reading...Â
Why we don’t teach this material to beginners...
We don’t teach our most advanced trading and investing techniques, methods, concepts, and systems to beginners, because you need a foundation before you can use this much more advanced material.
This more advanced material simply cannot be applied in real-world trading and investing, unless you first understand the basics of what we teach.
But, if you’ve learned the basics... and you’re ready to level up...
You have A LOT to look forward to.
When you learn our most advanced strategies, you’ll be learning a whole new way to look at the markets.
You’ll be learning a whole new set of powerful “edges” that very few people have access to... and that you can use in your investing, swing trading, and day trading to significantly increase your profitability.
You’ll be learning our very best, and most advanced strategies, the ones that we use now, every day... that help us make much more significant profits, on a consistent basis.
You’ll be learning strategies, techniques, methods, and thinking that only a handful of people on the planet even know.
Introducing... FX Evolution’s:
Advanced Masterclass + Mentoring
Advanced Masterclass + Mentoring is our most advanced program, and it contains the most powerful methods, strategies, and “edges” we’ve ever found.
These are the same methods, strategies, and edges that we (Tom & Tyrone) use in our trading and investing, every day.
The Advanced Masterclass + Mentoring program is all about giving you edges.
But, not just any old edges.

In Advanced Masterclass + Mentoring, you’re going to get the most advanced, most powerful, most reliable, most consistently accurate edges that we have found (and refined)... after learning, reviewing and evaluating literally THOUSANDS of different investing and trading concepts and “edges”, over the course of MANY years.
When you have these edges... more of your trades will be winners, but not just winners — they will yield more profit too — significantly more profit.
And when more of your trades are winners, and more of them are yielding you significantly more profit, you’ll finally be able to start building your wealth, rapidly, as a full-time investor and/or trader.
In the Advanced Masterclass + Mentoring program, you get an 8-week online course, that will bring you up to the level of investing, day trading, and swing trading that we (Tom & Tyrone) trade at, every day.
But the most valuable part of this program is the MENTORING.
You will get all your questions answered. You will get to run your specific trades by Tom & Tyrone, and get their feedback, analysis and commentary on them, before you pull the trigger. You can ask Tom & Tyrone any questions you have about the markets, about ETFs, about currency, about commodities, about crypto, about the economy, about the Fed, about anything related to trading and investing... and you will get answers that will actually help you.
This mentoring is what our students talk about most, because this is the piece they find most valuable.Â
Here’s what Advanced Masterclass + Mentoring members are saying...

What exactly do you get in Advanced Masterclass + Mentoring?
This program includes 2 main components:
- 8 weeks of video-based course content — this is where you will learn all the advanced methods, strategies, concepts, and edges, that we use in our daily trading and investing
- Weekly mentoring live stream sessions — these sessions are for you to ask any questions you have (about anything), and get mentoring, guidance, feedback, and analysis from two of the most skilled and successful traders and technical analysts in the world
Just below, we’re going to give you more details on both of those components, but we’re going to switch up the order — first, we’ll look at the mentoring (number 2 above) because we want to make sure you see this first, because it’s the most important piece, and then we’ll show you what you’re going to learn in the 8 weeks of advanced video course content (number 1 above).
How does the mentoring work in this program?
Once every week, we will host our Weekly Mentoring Live Stream.
On these live streams, we’ll usually first do a quick catch up with everyone and a quick analysis of the markets, and then we’ll tackle your specific questions and trade analysis requests.
If you’re able to attend these live streams, you can post a question, or ask Tom to analyze a stock, index, or currency you’ve been considering trading, or have already traded. You can enter these right into the live stream chat box and Tom will answer you and perform his analysis in real-time, right on the live stream.
If you’re not able to attend a particular live stream, you can still get an answer to your question and Tom’s analysis and insights into your trading idea or setup. To do so, simply post your question or request for analysis in our Advanced Masterclass + Mentoring Q&A Forum, before the live stream happens, and then Tom will provide your answer or analysis on the live stream, and then write you back in the Q&A Forum, telling you where in the recording to look for your particular answer or analysis!
So, it’s easy to get your questions answered and to get a real expert’s opinion on any trade your considering.
The opportunity to do this is VERY RARE, so don’t miss out on it!Â
Here’s a short sample of one of our past Weekly Mentoring Live Streams:
In this video clip, Tom is providing feedback, analysis, and mentoring on a specific trade that one of our students made.
This short video clip will give you a good sense of the depth of mentoring that you will get in this program. This kind of mentoring is rarely available from such an experienced and successful trader and mentor, so please watch this video carefully...
What exactly will you learn in the 8 weeks of course content in this program?
The course content in this program is designed for you to be able to go through each module in one week, which is why we have labeled them Week 1, Week 2, etc.
But, you can go through everything on your own time table, and at your own pace — faster than one per week is fine, and slower than one per week is also fine — it’s completely up to you.
Here’s just a small sample of what you’re going to learn each week in this program:
The Economic Cycle Nobody Knows
In Week 1, you’re going to learn:
- How to follow the money Long-Term Cycles
- How interest rates impact market decisions
- How to do bond, commodities, and multi-asset analysis

- How to do Time-Of-Year analysis
- Why most traders lose money, and how you are going to avoid that trap
You’re also going to learn:
- What the 18.6 Year Economic Cycle is... and how it allows us to time impactful events in the market, and understand the psychology of retail traders and investors... all of which gives us a significant edge.
- One of the most powerful, REPLICABLE concepts that you can apply to markets... to help you make more profitable trades, more consistently
- The 3 sectors you should buy first, during an epic collapse in the market... these 3 sectors always go up first after a collapse, because they are always the high gamma-style stocks.
- 2 simple guidelines for buying... that could, by themselves, be worth the entire cost of this program to you
- What you should buy 12 - 18 months after a stock market crash...
- What you should buy 4 years after a stock market crash...
- A very reliable indicator that a pullback is coming in the next 12 - 18 months
- Why many people make more money in real estate than in stocks... but why stocks are actually a better investment and vehicle for making money, if you know what you’re doing.
- The core principles that create a strong growth cycle for an economy… and where they are present – and absent – right now
- A simple strategy that can help you safely make money in the markets, even if you aren’t an “expert” (Unsure if the markets are overpriced or not, but still want to be in? Pay attention to THIS strategy!)
- How to create a personalized, RULES-BASED approach to trading that gives you an edge in the markets
- The enormous global shift set to take place in the markets in the not too distant future (it is paramount you understand this so you’re prepared when it eventually happens)
- The importance of RELATIVE PERFORMANCE to both trading and investing – and how to properly think about and apply it to your decision making process
- The #1 key to having a strong edge in the markets
- Tons of examples and demonstrations!
- And lots more...
Rotation & Seasonal Studies
In Week 2, you’re going to learn:
- How to use 20 years of actionable data, including sector rotation and seasonal studies
- How to use Mean Reversion Techniques to leverage your seasonal and rotation trades and investments

- What type of trader you are (based on a simple quiz) and how to use that information to your advantage
You’re also going to learn:
- The Sharpe Ratio – what it is, and how to use it to improve your trades
- Why REPLICATION is key to your success, and how to use it to get an edge in your trades and investments
- The one thing more valuable than earning more money, and how to take maximum advantage of it (ironically, it leads to more money anyway!)
- How success can actually lead to failure due to arrogance – and how to avoid this trap
- How to understand – and think like – the world’s smartest traders
- What a trend REALLY is, and how to spot them and leverage them for maximum profitability (while avoiding being a “bag holder”)
- What to do if you encounter market movements that don’t make sense
- The hardest trading signal to get right – and how to identify AND master it!
- How to take advantage of parabolic trends (including how to know when it’s going to END)
- The principles of successful tape reading
- The Wyckoff Price Cycle – what it is, its various stages, and how to use it to make sense of the market
- The one thing all successful traders have in common
- Tons of real examples!
- And much more…
2-3 Reload Swing Power Play
In Week 3, you’re going to learn:
- Three of our favorite trading techniques, and exactly how, and why, they form
- The Recovering Market Technique 2-3 Reload Swing Power Play
- The Lighting Bolt, and where it is most powerful

- Pattern recognition, and using Wall Street Stop Hunt Strategies to your advantageÂ
You’re also going to learn:
- The right way to think about markets (even many “experienced” traders don’t seem to know this!)
- What it means when markets move from equilibrium to equilibrium, and how to use that information to your advantage
- Wyckoff’s 3 Laws, and how to master them for optimal trading
- A simple yet powerful method for understanding how potential market manipulation manifests in price action (this will help you cash in on opportunities and avoid traps!)
- How and why Supply and Demand Zones form, and how to find and profit from them
- What most people get WRONG about Supply and Demand theory – and how to avoid this potentially costly error!
- How trading has evolved over the last decade, and how this affects us as traders today
- What a DOJI candle REALLY represents (hint: even most experienced traders get this wrong)
- The different types of Supply and Demand formations, with real examples so you’ll know exactly how to spot these in action
- Why Supply and Demand Zones are not all created equally, and which ones are more relevant to your trading
- How to create a thesis for each trade you make
- Using Supply and Demand Zones to figure out if a stock or security is price extended
- 2 ways you can trade Supply and Demand Zones
- Why candles tell us so much about Supply and Demand Zones (including a little-known trick even most experienced traders aren’t aware of)
- Tons of real examples!
- Plus a lot more…
Where to Place Take Profit and Stop Loss Levels
In Week 4, you’re going to learn:
- Where we place our stops, and WHY
- How we determine take profits areas
- How to effectively scale in and out of trades to make significantly greater profits

You’re also going to learn:
- The secrets of Volume Profiles – how they differ from traditional horizontal volume, and the key information they reveal to us as traders
- The most powerful technical analysis approach you can take in today’s market
- The various Volume Profile Areas – what they are, what they mean, and why they matter
- How Wyckoff Theory and Volume Profiles are interrelated, and what they can tell us about entries and exits, risk management, and more
- What Normal Distribution Theory is, and why it’s important to us as traders
- How to tell if a security is at “Fair Value” or not – and what that should mean to YOU
- Why not all Volume Profiles are created equal, and how to understand your various options
- How to know where orders sit within the market
- The best Volume Profile to use when Day Trading
- How to spot Market Equilibrium like a pro
- How to use Volume Leaders for stock selection
- How to make it difficult for algorithms to beat you!
- How to use Fixed Range Marking to make better decisions
- Tons of real examples and demonstrations!
- Much more!
All You Really Need to Know About Quick Fundamentals
In Week 5, you’re going to learn:
- What fundamentals REALLY matter when trading and investing
- Which sectors to apply the different fundamentals to, for best results
- How to avoid pitfalls of various trades (includes a 30-minute deep-dive discussion)

You’re also going to learn:
- How bigger players think about their positions, and why it matters to us as traders
- Why “Close is Key” when it comes to planning entries and exits
- Why monthly, weekly, and daily close levels are all important to us as traders, and how to properly make sense of them
- How to use seasonality to stack the odds in your favor
- Best practices for identifying key Resistance Levels when a market is moving upward
- How to take advantage of large trades made by institutions
- Why you don’t have to risk thousands of dollars per trade – and what you might want to do instead
- How to use previous close levels to understand where a market is headed
- How to systematize your trading for better, more consistent results
- Using chart patterns to understand when to start – and when to give up – short positions
- Identifying both primary and secondary Take Profit targets
- How to know when a trend is likely to change direction
- How Market Strength Indicators can help you make better decisions, and how to set them up
- How to use multiple chart time frames in order to confirm which direction a market is likely to move in
- Tons of real examples and demonstrations!
- And much more
How to Find the Right Reward and Risk Strategies
In Week 6, you’re going to learn:Â
- Options strategies, and when to use debit positions
- How to use technical analysis to place your position
- Which areas and patterns make the most sense

You’re also going to learn:
- The two main types of options – what they are, and the differences between them
- How to avoid stressful situations when trading options
- How to use the Bid and the Ask to determine proper target prices
- Why Options is NOT a “fair” game, and how to protect your downside risk (hint: a simple “glance to the right” can easily save you thousands of dollars)
- Why you should NOT sell calls randomly, without covering them
- How to figure out where to buy calls in a way that maximizes your upside
- Why “timing is everything” with options, and how to capitalize on that fact
- Why technical levels are better than OPINIONS, and how to use that knowledge to your greatest advantage
- How to identify “buy the rumor, sell the fact” opportunities for extra profit
- What to look for when trading around earnings
- How to know when a multi-month stretch of struggle or weakness is on the horizon for a particular stock
- How to figure out when you have an edge in a market – and when you don’t
- How to decide which is the appropriate instrument to use for any given trade (this can help you earn more, as well as minimize risk)
- Why FOMO can destroy your account, and how to avoid it!
- Tons of examples and demonstrations!
- And a whole lot more…
What the Banks Do NOT Tell You About Options
In Week 7, you’re going to learn:Â
- Why selling credit is smarter than buying options
- How to use technical analysis to place your position
- Which areas to focus on when looking to sell credit

- Risk management strategies to protect your downside and make you more profitable
You’re also going to learn:
- 3 ways trends can change in a market – and how to profit when you see them
- What a Selling Climax is, and how to identify and profit from it
- What happens when a Stop Loss Hunt is achieved – and how to use that situation to find profitable trades
- How to spot Undefended Zones to unlock lucrative opportunities
- Why “tradevesting” doesn’t work, and what to do instead
- How to tell the difference between a trade and an investment – and move ahead accordingly depending on which one you’re going after
- What to do if you don’t have high conviction in a stock
- The Buffett-inspired “litmus test” that can help you decide whether or not a stock is worth investing in
- One stark difference between trading and investing (this rule of thumb can save you untold sums of money!)
- The value of “thirding”, and how to use this strategy to realize additional potential
- What to do if a stock is coming outside of its standard deviation
- What a stock’s Forward P/E can tell you about whether to hold, sell, or trim your position
- How to identify euphoric moves – and what to do when you notice one
- The counterintuitive advice that helps you avoid BIAS (and the awful decisions that can arise from being biased)
- How to develop the patience you need to trade profitably and avoid blowing up your account in the name of “being productive”
- Tons of examples and demonstrations
- And plenty more!
Bringing it All Together with Live Analysis
In Week 8, you’re going to learn:Â
- Our comprehensive trading and investing checklist, and how to use it to stay on the path of profitability
- How to do an in-depth analysis on your trades

You’re also going to learn:
- How to use “price upgrades” to help you make better trading decisions
- Why many traders have switched to Forex due to slowed market conditions… Why you DON’T have to do that… And what you can do instead
- How to find profitable opportunities with minimal effort
- The counterintuitive argument for why China represents an incredible buying opportunity from an investment perspective
- How the markets are influenced by CYCLES, and what to expect in the coming years
- What high numbers of transactions can tell you about where a stock or market might peak
- Which sectors tend to go up in various times of the year
- Why the stock market is “rigged bullish”, and what that should mean for your trading decisions
- Why being too conscientious can actually work AGAINST you when trading the markets – and what to do about it
- The one type of trading you should probably NEVER do if you tend to be a more emotional person
- Why traders might want to avoid news for best results!
- What to do if you want to be a trader, but are afraid of risk
- Why IQ intelligence isn’t important to your success as a trader – and what matters much, much more
- A mindset that acts as a surprising “cure” for Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)
- Why being unwilling to take losses is actually a LOSING STRATEGY in its own right!
- Tons of examples and demonstrations
- And lots more too!
AND... you also get all the additional content we’re currently adding to this program, and free updates, for life!
We are in the process of adding more content to this program, to make it EVEN BETTER!
You will get access to all of this, immediately after it becomes available, at no additional cost.
And, whenever we make any updates to the program, you’ll always get access to them, as soon as they’re ready too, at no additional cost.
AND... you get 24/7/365, lifetime access to our Advanced Masterclass + Mentoring Q&A Forum
This Q&A Forum was created specifically for our Advanced Masterclass + Mentoring members.
In the forum, you can ask any questions you have as you’re learning and going through the course content, as you’re analyzing the markets and different instruments, and as you’re making trades, and you will get answers, solutions, feedback, and mentoring directly from Tom and Tyrone.
The forum is very simple — it’s really just a place for you to enter your questions and requests for mentoring.
Here’s what it looks like:

Unlike other forums, we don’t actually post answers right here in the forum. Instead, we hold a weekly video live stream where we answer each and every question live, on video, so we can pull up relevant charts, mark them up, and give longer, better, more in-depth explanations and answers than we could writing all of it into a forum post.
You’re welcome to attend each and every one of these live streams, and if you can’t attend any of them, you can always watch the recording later, so you can get the answer and mentoring you wanted for each and every one of your questions!
We seen that this way of doing it, gives you a much better mentoring and learning experience.
 The GOOD NEWS is...
right now, we’re having a
special $2,500 off sale on ​​the
Advanced Masterclass + Mentoring!
Right now, you can get everything we described above — for a whopping $2,500 OFF!
But this special sale ends at midnight, on Monday, no exceptions.
So, make sure you join the program before then, to take advantage of this deep discount.
The nice thing is:
You can order right now, but you don’t have to decide or commit to anything right now.
As you’ll read about in a minute (just a little further down on this page), the Advanced Masterclass + Mentoring program comes with a 30-day, unconditional, 100% money-back guarantee...
So you can get everything now, try all of it out, for a full 30 days... see if it’s helping... see if you’re getting the results you want... see if it’s actually working for you... and then decide whether you want to keep Advanced Masterclass + Mentoring or not.
If you decide for any reason (or no reason at all) that you’d rather have your money back instead, you can just let us know within 30 days of your purchase and we’ll gladly refund all your money, with no questions asked.
AND... If you order Advanced Masterclass + Mentoring before midnight on Monday, you’ll also get this valuable bonus for FREE:
(Retail Value = $750)
This is a spreadsheet that gives you a breakdown of the statistical patterns for over 6,000 stocks and ETFs.

It will show you how all of these stocks and ETFs perform historically during certain months, as well as statistical percentages of how often they are positive or negative.
This type of data, used in conjunction with technical analysis, can give you a HUGE edge as it allows you to create replicable strategies that focus on rotation.
Often when a stock enters a positive time of year (as shown in the spreadsheet), that bullish movement can last a few months, as big banks and institutions tend to “position in” over time, to build a position.
We can gain significant edge by recognising a technical analysis pattern AND having the actionable data, from this spreadsheet, which then allows us to time the markets for a statistical period and use replicable options strategies, as well.
This spreadsheet ALONE is worth the entire cost of this program. You will see that to be true, very quickly.
...if you order the Advanced Masterclass + Mentoring program before midnight on Feb. 28th...
Â will get this FOR FREE!
Here’s everything you get
in Advanced Masterclass + Mentoring
You get 24/7/365, lifetime access to 8 in-depth learning modules, each with multiple training videos, Q&A videos, assessments, worksheets, and more. This is where you will learn our most advanced thinking, strategies, methods, and “edges” for investing, swing trading, and day trading.
($4,600 value)
You get 24/7/365, lifetime access to all additional new content added to this course, as well as all updates we make to this program, at any time.
($250 value)
You get 24/7/365, lifetime access to a Q&A Forum specifically created for Advanced Masterclass + Mentoring members. In here, you can ask any questions you have as you’re learning, or making trades, and get answers, solutions, feedback, mentoring, and guidance directly from Tom and Tyrone.
($750 value)
You get to access and participate in all of our Weekly Mentoring Live Streams, that are ONLY for Advanced Masterclass + Mentoring members. On these live streams, you will get all your questions answered, get feedback, mentoring, and guidance, and get feedback, analysis and commentary on any specific trades you are considering, and lots more. This is the most valuable part of this program. The ability to run your trades by Tom & Tyrone, and get their mentoring, in real-time, on the very things you need help with, and on the specific trades your considering is INVALUABLE. Tom & Tyrone are two of the most highly skilled traders and technical analysts in the world... with a combined 30 years of investing and trading experience.
($1,500 value)
You get 24/7/365, lifetime access to all Weekly Mentoring Live Stream recordings. These are easily accessible in your member’s dashboard, so you can watch and benefit from the mentoring live streams you aren’t able to attend, and go back into the archives anytime you want to learn from previous live streams.
($250 value)
This is a spreadsheet that gives you a breakdown of the statistical patterns for over 6,000 stocks and ETFs. It will show you how all of these stocks and ETFs perform historically during certain months, as well as statistical percentages of how often they are positive or negative. This type of data, used in conjunction with technical analysis, can give you a huge edge as it allows you to create replicable strategies that focus on rotation. This spreadsheet is a TRULY POWERFUL tool and there is nothing else like this available anywhere. You’ll see very quickly that this spreadsheet ALONE is worth the entire cost of this program!
($250 value)
The Options Trading MasterClass is one of the most powerful courses we have ever released and is based on the real trading strategies we use in-house every day to trade 10’s of millions of dollars for our high-net worth clients. Section 1 of this amazing course comes included as a bonus with your Ultimate Trading Masterclass purchase, so you can learn the essentials of options trading, which can be a powerful supplement to your day trading and scalping.
($750 value)
> > >Â REGULAR PRICEÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â $4,600
> > > TODAY’S PRICE (Get 55% off)      $2,100
Comes with 30-day, unconditional, 100% money-back guarantee.
- This $2,500 off discount is only available until midnight on Monday. On Tuesday, this program will go back to the regular price of $4,600... so make sure you place your order now, so you can take advantage of this generous 55% discount, while you still can.
- This program comes with a 30-DAY, UNCONDITIONAL, 100% MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. So, you don’t actually have to decide now — take a full 30 days to go through everything, and see what results you get. If you’re not happy for any reason (or no reason at all), just let us know within 30 days of your purchase date and we’ll gladly refund all your money, no questions asked.
- You will get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to everything listed above, immediately after you place your order, even if it’s 2 o’clock in the morning.
Is this program really worth $2,100?Â
That’s a great question.
Here’s how we would think about it...
One trade could pay for the entire cost of this program.
One trade, that you wouldn’t have made otherwise, or that you would have made in a different way, but did so successfully, because of this program, could pay for the entire cost of this program.
Now, we obviously cannot promise that this will happen for you, because individual results vary, but this has happened for some of our students.
Here are two examples of students who definitely got back much more than they invested:

And... it’s much more likely that the people who are ready for this Advanced Masterclass + Mentoring program, will be able to pay for it with just one trade, because of the level they are at now.
But, even if it takes you 2 or 3, or even 5 trades to pay for this program...
...wouldn’t that STILL be worth it?
Â get all of our most advanced and most powerful strategies, methods, and edges for investing, day trading, and swing trading?
...and the ability to get mentoring directly from Tom & Tyrone, pretty much whenever you need it?Â
We think it’s DEFINITELY worth it. We think it’s worth WAY more than that, actually.
But, it’s up to you to decide.
And remember, this program comes with an unconditional, 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee...
We Have A PERFECT 5-Star Rating On
Google, With Over 122 Reviews...
Here are just a few of the reviews our students have posted on Google:

  Don’t BUY….... TRY!
Try Advanced Masterclass + Mentoring RISK-FREE For 30 DaysÂ
Advanced Masterclass + Mentoring comes with a 30-day, unconditional 100% money-back guarantee.
So, we encourage you to...
- Go through the Advanced Masterclass + Mentoring online course in its entirety...
- Post questions and get coaching in the Advanced Masterclass + Mentoring Q&A Forum...
- Join us and participate on multiple Weekly Mentoring Live Streams...
- Make ample use of the Actionable Data bonus you get with this program...
- And most importantly, test-drive our advanced day trading, investing, and swing trading methods and edges FOR YOURSELF to see what results you get!

Do all of that for 30 days...
And MAKE SURE our method is for you, and WORKS for you...
And MAKE SURE you are getting the results you want!
If you’re not getting the results you want, or you’re not completely ecstatic, or you just decide to change your mind... just contact us anytime within 30 days of the date of your purchase at (03) 9021 2011 or [email protected], and we will immediately issue you a full refund.
So, don’t buy The Ultimate Trading Masterclass…
TRY IT OUT first, for a full 30 days…
And if at any time during that period, you want your money back instead, just let us know, and you will have it!
This special $2,500 OFF sale ENDS at midnight on Monday
So, take advantage of it NOW!
Test-drive all of this for 30 days, with NO RISK:
You get 24/7/365, lifetime access to 8 in-depth learning modules, each with multiple training videos, Q&A videos, assessments, worksheets, and more. This is where you will learn our most advanced thinking, strategies, methods, and “edges” for investing, swing trading, and day trading.
($4,600 value)
You get 24/7/365, lifetime access to all additional new content that is now being created and will soon be added to this program, as well as all updates we make to this program, at any time.
($250 value)
You get 24/7/365, lifetime access to a Q&A Forum specifically created for Advanced Masterclass + Mentoring members. In here, you can ask any questions you have as you’re learning, or making trades, and get answers, solutions, feedback, mentoring, and guidance directly from Tom and Tyrone.
($750 value)
You get to access and participate in all of our Weekly Mentoring Live Streams, that are ONLY for Advanced Masterclass + Mentoring members. On these live streams, you will get all your questions answered, get feedback, mentoring, and guidance, and get feedback, analysis and commentary on any specific trades you are considering, and lots more. This is the most valuable part of this program. The ability to run your trades by Tom & Tyrone, and get their mentoring, in real-time, on the very things you need help with, and on the specific trades your considering is INVALUABLE. Tom & Tyrone are two of the most highly skilled traders and technical analysts in the world... with a combined 30 years of investing and trading experience.
($1,500 value)
You get 24/7/365, lifetime access to all Weekly Mentoring Live Stream recordings. These are easily accessible in your member’s dashboard, so you can watch and benefit from the mentoring live streams you aren’t able to attend, and go back into the archives anytime you want to learn from previous live streams.
($250 value)
This is a spreadsheet that gives you a breakdown of the statistical patterns for over 6,000 stocks and ETFs. It will show you how all of these stocks and ETFs perform historically during certain months, as well as statistical percentages of how often they are positive or negative. This type of data, used in conjunction with technical analysis, can give you a huge edge as it allows you to create replicable strategies that focus on rotation. This spreadsheet is a TRULY POWERFUL tool and there is nothing else like this available anywhere. You’ll see very quickly that this spreadsheet ALONE is worth the entire cost of this program!
($750 value)
> > >Â REGULAR PRICEÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â $4,600
> > > TODAY’S PRICE (Get 55% off)      $2,100
Comes with 30-day, unconditional, 100% money-back guarantee.
- This $2,500 off discount is only available until midnight on Monday. On Tuesday, this program will go back to the regular price of $4,600... so make sure you place your order now, so you can take advantage of this generous 55% discount, while you still can.
- This program comes with a 30-DAY, UNCONDITIONAL, 100% MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. So, you don’t actually have to decide now — take a full 30 days to go through everything, and see what results you get. If you’re not happy for any reason (or no reason at all), just let us know within 30 days of your purchase date and we’ll gladly refund all your money, no questions asked.
- You will get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to everything listed above, immediately after you place your order, even if it’s 2 o’clock in the morning.
Who created Advanced Masterclass + Mentoring?
Advanced Masterclass + Mentoring was created by Tyrone Abela and Tom Atkinson — the founders of FX Evolution, which is an AFSL-licensed trading education company based in Melbourne, Australia.
Here are a few relevant facts about FX Evolution and Tyrone and Tom, so you can feel comfortable that the program you’re considering comes from credible authorities, with expert-level training and experience:

We’ve been in business for more than 12 years
We’ve trained over 4,500 traders, from every continent
Our popular YouTube channel has more than 162,000 subscribers
We have a perfect 5-star rating on Google with 132 reviews (see section above)
We are the preferred providers of trading education for Pepperstone Financial, and we regularly appear on AuzBiz — a popular business media company in Australia

FX Evolution’s systematic research approach is based on both technical and fundamental analysis, across a broad range of financial instruments including Stock, Forex, Metals and Options.
We also develop trading systems and profiles that are highly adaptive to the volatile and ever-changing financial climate.
And we strive to be at the forefront of the best risk management systems available.
Our founders, Tyrone Abela and Thomas Atkinson, are two of the most qualified and skilled Technical Analysts in the world. Here are some more details about them:

Frequently Asked Questions
When does this course start and finish?
How long do I have access to the materials in this program?
What if I have questions about a topic or something isn’t clear, who do I ask?
I'm nervous about making a fool of myself when asking questions. Can I still benefit from this?
What happens if I can’t make it to one or more of the Weekly Mentoring Live Streams?
How does your refund policy work?
I have some other questions that aren’t mentioned here. Whom do I ask?
Why Advanced Masterclass + Mentoring might NOT work for you...
Because nothing works for everyone.
That’s just life.
BUT... ask yourself this question:
Is it worth $2,000 (that you’ll get back if you don’t get the results you want)...
Â see if this program actually can help you make more money, on a more consistent basis, day trading, investing, and/or swing trading?
Like we said, nothing works for everyone...
But, what if this DOES work for YOU?
What if you ACTUALLY did start making more money, on a more consistent basis?
Isn’t it worth it to at least find out?...
...especially since you have no risk?
(Remember, this program comes with an unconditional, 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee!)
This special $2,500Â OFF sale ENDSÂ at midnight on Monday.
So, take advantage of it NOW!
Test-drive all of this for 30 days, with NO RISK:
You get 24/7/365, lifetime access to 8 in-depth learning modules, each with multiple training videos, Q&A videos, assessments, worksheets, and more. This is where you will learn our most advanced thinking, strategies, methods, and “edges” for investing, swing trading, and day trading.
($4,600 value)
You get 24/7/365, lifetime access to all additional new content that is now being created and will soon be added to this program, as well as all updates we make to this program, at any time.
($250 value)
You get 24/7/365, lifetime access to a Q&A Forum specifically created for Advanced Masterclass + Mentoring members. In here, you can ask any questions you have as you’re learning, or making trades, and get answers, solutions, feedback, mentoring, and guidance directly from Tom and Tyrone.
($750 value)
You get to access and participate in all of our Weekly Mentoring Live Streams, that are ONLY for Advanced Masterclass + Mentoring members. On these live streams, you will get all your questions answered, get feedback, mentoring, and guidance, and get feedback, analysis and commentary on any specific trades you are considering, and lots more. This is the most valuable part of this program. The ability to run your trades by Tom & Tyrone, and get their mentoring, in real-time, on the very things you need help with, and on the specific trades your considering is INVALUABLE. Tom & Tyrone are two of the most highly skilled traders and technical analysts in the world... with a combined 30 years of investing and trading experience.
($1,500 value)
You get 24/7/365, lifetime access to all Weekly Mentoring Live Stream recordings. These are easily accessible in your member’s dashboard, so you can watch and benefit from the mentoring live streams you aren’t able to attend, and go back into the archives anytime you want to learn from previous live streams.
($250 value)
This is a spreadsheet that gives you a breakdown of the statistical patterns for over 6,000 stocks and ETFs. It will show you how all of these stocks and ETFs perform historically during certain months, as well as statistical percentages of how often they are positive or negative. This type of data, used in conjunction with technical analysis, can give you a huge edge as it allows you to create replicable strategies that focus on rotation. This spreadsheet is a TRULY POWERFUL tool and there is nothing else like this available anywhere. You’ll see very quickly that this spreadsheet ALONE is worth the entire cost of this program!
($750 value)
> > >Â REGULAR PRICEÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â $4,600
> > > TODAY’S PRICE (Get 55% off)      $2,100
Comes with 30-day, unconditional, 100% money-back guarantee.
- This $2,500 off discount is only available until midnight on Monday. On Tuesday, this program will go back to the regular price of $4,600... so make sure you place your order now, so you can take advantage of this generous 55% discount, while you still can.
- This program comes with a 30-DAY, UNCONDITIONAL, 100% MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. So, you don’t actually have to decide now — take a full 30 days to go through everything, and see what results you get. If you’re not happy for any reason (or no reason at all), just let us know within 30 days of your purchase date and we’ll gladly refund all your money, no questions asked.
- You will get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to everything listed above, immediately after you place your order, even if it’s 2 o’clock in the morning.